

$20each -OR- $45for 3

Discover an exciting new chocolate taste from an unexplored flavour realm in the Ruby Red galaxy! The Rocket Ruby Red cocoa bean grows only under rare climatic conditions, which is why it packs such an otherworldly flavour punch. With its fruit-berry tang, soft chewy texture and coating of sour sugar, this incredible edible will have you navigating a distant nebula in no time! Don’t be fooled by its eye-catching pink colour: no colourants or artificial flavouring added. Find your Stellar orbit!

We take no shortcuts in fueling your trip to outer space with only the purest most potent space-grade rocket fuel. We’re over the moon to guarantee our customers that all THC distillates in each of our edibles products are over 90% pure across the full Stellar product line.

Stellar Treats are also made using only the freshest natural ingredients and the highest quality THC distillate. All of our ethically and locally sourced cannabis is 100% backed by intensive laboratory testing, certifying only choice cannabinoid compounds. This NASA-level of precision and pride in our work guarantees a premium product free of toxins, heavy metals and trace contaminants.

As we like to say at Stellar headquarters: Space-X cut the cost of space travel and so have we! With Stellar’s brand of cannabis-infused chocolates and gummies, you won’t require re-entry. You’re likely not coming back!


Effects Body high, Calm, Giggly, Happy, Sleepy
Relieves ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Stress
Candy Type Chocolates
THC 500mg


Orders over $100 receive a ticket to win $300 in product!
3 winners will be chosen, keep your tickets!

JANUARY Ticket Winners : 0856956, 0856952, 0856731

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